

Water is one of the most important substances on earth. All plants and animals must haveImage-1681 water to survive. If there was no water there would be no life on earth. With two thirds of the earth’s surface covered by water and the human body consisting of 75 percent of it, it is evidently clear that water is one of the prime elements responsible for life on earth. Water circulates through the land just as it does through the human body, transporting, dissolving, replenishing nutrients and organic matter, while carrying away waste material. Further in the body, it regulates the activities of fluids, tissues, cells, lymph, blood and glandular secretions.

An average adult body contains 42 litres of water and with just a small loss of 2.7 litres he or she watercan suffer from dehydration, displaying symptoms of irritability, fatigue, nervousness, dizziness, weakness, headaches and consequently reach a state of pathology. Since the ‘water’ we drink provides for cell function and its volume requirements, the decrease in our daily water intake affects the efficiency of cell activity as a result chronic dehydration causes symptoms that equal disease.

Water is involved  in all bodily functions: digestion, assimilation, elimination, respiration, WATER (1)maintaining temperature (homeostasis) integrity and the strength of all bodily structures. Today, the water is polluted with hundreds of toxins and impurities. Authorities only test for a small number of them. Your body, being primarily water, requires sufficient daily water replacement in order to function efficiently. Water treatments, that are aimed to render our drinking water bacteriologically safe, have been proven ineffective and the presence of certain  pathogenic bacteria like giardia and cryptosporidium recently found in Sydney water is just one of the many examples. Viewing the effects of individual chemicals, inorganic minerals and their by-products, you can see a link to today’s major diseases. If you drink devitalised, impure water how can you expect vitality and health. Dehydration, due to the offensive taste of the water and the introduction of commercial sugar loaded beverages, has become another contributing factor to dis-ease. The advice of Dr Batmanghelidj to stop treating thirst with tiger-drinking-watermedications holds lots of merit. Mineral water may be wonderful to bathe in, however, the presence of inorganic minerals makes it undesirable. Tap water has been proven unsuitable even for showering7. In an article published in the magazine New Scientist, by Ian Anderson  18/9/86, he writes “Showers pose a risk to health”. Pure water may become the medicine of the future. ‘Oxygen enriched and free of radioactive and chemical compounds’ may read on the label of our bottle water in the next millennium…. At this stage Reverse Osmosis and C.M.D water are our best available options.